The Musicians & Artists page on the City of Clarksdale website.
Yesterday was a big day on your new City of Clarkdale website. The site had 3,296 views, and virtually every one of your sites 250 plus pages were hit. And this all happened on a Sunday (image of website activity at bottom of this page).
A result of all of the site activity discussed below, as of this moment our website has been hit 40,030 times. (a “hit” is different than a “view”, and every click on a site represents a “hit. Also as of this moment, the site has 802 views this morning.)
Since December 21, we have been in a “soft” launch, which included testing to be sure all site links and functions were performing properly after transferring the site from it’s construction zone to its City of Clarksdale url address. This included more proofing too (thank you Meg Murphey), and we are still catching things to tweak as well.
Last Saturday, we were ready to test drive the site somewhat broader, which included reaching out in with site links and attractions on key social media walls and pages known to have interest in Clarksdale. These were mostly what one might refer to as “close to home.”
Prior to Saturday the most views your new site had on any one day was 281 views on December 24th. Well, by the end of our test run there were 467 views on Saturday alone. So we decided to see if we might attract even more activity with an increased effort yesterday. Both the Mayor and Dwan Brown got involved, and with reasonable focus on even more social media activity, your new site had 3,296 views yesterday alone.
The Mayor and Dwan Brown put items and links on their Facebook pages (which was monumental), and I concentrated on putting links to the site on other’s Facebook walls, many of which are national and known music information pages. A lot of activity also came off Libby Rae Watson’s page, and a nice amount of activity came from Jack Denton’s page, Bill Luckett’s page and Jon Livingston as well. The end of day results were rather astounding.

Dr. Peggy Wells page on the City of Clarksdale website.
Dr. Peggy Wells bio page off of her Arts & Culture District sign got 719 views. Reverend Tyler got 348 views. Dayeveon Hill was viewed 218 times. The Clarksdale Musicians and Artists page, where all of the great Clarksdale artists are found, got 210 views. Dapoo Williams got 169 views. Libby Rae Watson had 131.
The Honored Athletes holding page, where all are found got 74 views. Your Home Page also got 140 views. Terry Metcalf got 69 views and Josephine Rhymes got one less. The Civic Leaders holding page, where all are found had 45 views. Bishop T.T. Scott had 39 views, and Red Paden had 38. Even the City Board Agendas page had 35 views.
The list goes on an on, its a 4-page itemized list, and this is only the beginning. Attracting people to Clarksdale has been successful for some time, and this new marketing tool will only increase it exponentially.
All of you who found us yesterday, thank you, and please share whatever you like off of your new site… often!

City of Clarksdale website activity 1.07.18