
City Hall Button: 1. Espy headshot 2. Espy at desk 3. insert Espy bio 4. Turner headshot 5. insert last 4 mtg agendas (missing agenda from last 3 Board mtgs) 6. need photos from all boards and commissions (Library, Airport, Planning, Election, Housing, School, CPU, DBM) 7. Milton Williams headshot 8. Milton Williams bio 9. Firechief headshot 10. Firechief bio 11. Fire department photo in front of firetruck 12. New City Staff photo (under Clerk’s office, w/out Curtis, Tom, Carol) 13. Court Clerk photo 14. Court Clerk bio 15. Insert Court Clerk address, contact info Why Clarksdale Button: 1. photo of all previous mayors (from Board room wall) Quick Links Button: 1. Finish page (need City forms, photos… etc.) Maps Button: 1. Clarksdale map (preferred map needed) 2. Coahoma County map preferred map needed) City Directory Button: 1. Lewis headshot 2. Lewis at desk 3. Lewis bio Visit Us in Clarksdale Button: 1. Finish lodging list

City Hall Button:
1. Espy headshot
2. Espy at desk
3. insert Espy bio
4. Turner headshot
5. insert last 4 mtg agendas (missing agenda from last 3 Board mtgs)
6. need photos from all boards and commissions (Library, Airport, Planning, Election, Housing, School, CPU, DBM)
7. Milton Williams headshot
8. Milton Williams bio
9. Firechief headshot
10. Firechief bio
11. Fire department photo in front of firetruck
12. New City Staff photo (under Clerk’s office, w/out Curtis, Tom, Carol)
13. Court Clerk photo
14. Court Clerk bio
15. Insert Court Clerk address, contact info

Why Clarksdale Button:
1. photo of all previous mayors (from Board room wall)

Quick Links Button:
1. Finish page (need City forms, photos… etc.)

Maps Button:
1. Clarksdale map (preferred map needed)
2. Coahoma County map preferred map needed)

City Directory Button:
1. Lewis headshot
2. Lewis at desk
3. Lewis bio

Visit Us in Clarksdale Button:
1. Finish lodging list